Saturday, July 30, 2005

Affirmational Plant Words

The most effective way to cope with change is to help to create it....L.W. Lynett

Affirmations are complete mind programs, setting the stage for inner self-interaction & change. You can weave them in many different ways throughout your daily life. Thought-talk is very powerful. What you think is what you get. Earlier on you learned that every thought is a goal waiting to happen. You also know that your thoughts are actual goals, ignited by your emotions and their crayons. The more tools you have, the better for you.

KNOWLEDGE HOOKS are educational mind-programs that attach themselves to subconscious mind files already in place OR file themselves in new file-folders in the library of the mind. Let's work with one here.

Change is always a matter of choice. Awareness or knowledge is usually not enough to motivate change. As you walk through the workshop of the world you will hear people who have identified their problems, but not the tentacles under the surface, having no motivational or action programs to propel them into the actual desire to change. Sometimes they will begin, but if the programs for persistence and consistency are missing from their tools belts, they will end up quitting at the first road-block opportunity.

You might even notice that they appear "happy" to see the road-block, as they have been looking for some excuse along the path to assist in their rationalization of not pushing forward. You will hear it in their language and see it in their expressions, both big and small. If you look closely you might see a secondary emotion underneath the presenting one. For example, in the heat of rationalization look for a glimmer in the eye, or a small "almost smile" sitting on the lips. You may have even felt this in one of your moments!

The higher your awareness, the easier it is to keep the path clear and to stay open to choice. Keep in mind that both conscious and subconscious thought can lead you down the path of unimaginable incredible success if you so choose.

Affirmations, or self-talk help to keep the path clear and aid in the heightening of awareness. These are mini-mind programs that can be utilized independently, right in the moment. For instance, if you want to build motivation in a particular goal area, you might work with affirmations designed for that particular goal.

There are thousands of affirmations already written and ready to be planted. Your local bookstore is filled with choices for you. But, once again, it is not enough to simply read or have knowledge. It's like holding a packet of seeds in your hand. No matter how long you hold it, the flowers will never grow there. They have to be planted and nurtured.

Why do affirmations work for some people and not for others? What can you do to get great results from your affirmation planting? As with everything else, it's best to start at the beginning. If you have worked with affirmations in the past, review in your mind why you decided to do so, as well as how you went about it. Also check out your attitude and energy.

There are some very common mistakes that people make in working with affirmations. It is certainly not sufficient to just say something to yourself over and over. If you were your subconscious mind, how impressed would you be with that delivery?

It is absolutely vital to literally sell the affirmation to the inner mind, conveying belief in what you say and what you want. Without this kind of energy backing the planting, you could go along mumbling affirmations to yourself forever without ever seeing any change at all. If you've given up on affirmations, have another look for they are a great investment in your time.


In our work here, you will be sending Affirmational Plants to your Inner Librarian & firing them with hot imagery. Always choose one that is meaningful to you. You might also like to write them out on individual cards to be placed within your view throughout the day. Once the accompanying imagery is planted, all you need is a cue card to remind you to play the mini-program. I'll give you some suggestions for imagery, but your own subconscious mind may prefer to build your own , so go along with it as long as it is positive. Never, ever plant a negative affirmation!

Approach each affirmation as if it were a gift sitting on the table, waiting for you to open. it. I suggest you work in the level of deep relax. Each time you sit down to work with affirmational planting, simply place your fingertips on your lower abdomen and allow it to fill with a deep yawn breath. Quietly observe as your fingers ride up and down on your lower abdomen. Now allow your body to become heavy in the chair where you are resting. After reading this paragraph close your eyes gently and tilt them up about 20 degrees, just as if you were sitting in the second row of a movie theater. You will begin feeling the internal changes in your body. This is relaxation.

Your brain waves will have slowed, stress chemicals will have diminished and you will be at the door of your subconscious mind. Stay here for a few moments and enjoy how easy it is for you to go even deeper down, allowing your body to become even heavier than before. You can then open your eyes and choose to feel alert, focused and ready to begin subconscious exploration.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Take your time and don't rush the process. Sell these to your subconscious mind as if you life depended on it. Whatever your mind comes away believing you will achieve! Make certain it is what you truly want!

Let's practice with a simple affirmation:

I AM ADAPTABLE. Ask yourself what it means to you to be adaptable. Think about your work in managing any current problem or issue. Image the word adaptable next to the subject of your work. Verbalize this to yourself internally &also speak out loud. With your eyes tilted up slightly, go back in time and find a memory link where you adapted easily to some situation. Now mind-write the word adaptable over this memory picture. Bring the picture forward, making it brighter. Perhaps see it as a memory-movie. Allow yourself to feel the emotion of self-power as you view this.

Repeat the affirmation with animation and emotion connected. Now future pace. See yourself sometime in the future or in a particular area of your life being adaptable & feeling the emotion of the memory. Image your current problem or issue work & connect the feeling memory file with these images. You have now placed a future mind program into your subconscious mind that is energy and emotion driven.

Try this one. I AM RECEPTIVE TO CHANGE. There are two key words in this affirmation. One is receptive & the other is change. In a way they are two different programs. To be receptive is to welcome. This is a particular action with a certain emotional marinade. It is upbeat & accepting. One must mean what they say. If not, the subconscious mind does not understand what you want. The word tends to be meaningless without the proper chemical code. Let's take receptive separately & go back into your memory base looking for inner files when you were displaying high end receptivity.

Divide your mind screen into two parts and place the example of receptivity on one side. Now let's work with the second word. Change is a super-charged word & for many people this is negative-based. If you tend towards negativity in relation to change, see yourself washing off the word "change." Clean it up.

Go back into your memory bank, finding a file representing a positive change. Place this image up on your mind screen next to receptive. Repeat the affirmation now as you view the double screen, allowing the emotional chemical code to flow in your mind-body. Now place the words representing your problem or issue up on the mind screen, allowing the chemical code to flow over the image, as well as through your body. Feel it. Well done.


I'm learning to work inside my mind images. I perform mind-changes with mental skill & dexterity...Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht


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